Saturday, December 1, 2012

2 Weeks: Born of Hope & The Hunt for Gollum

These are two fan-made movies produced by Kate Madison; both tell stories that are mentioned in the books, but they take place in the movie-verse.

Born of Hope tells the story of Aragorn's father and the rangers of Arnor. It is a full-length movie, clocking in at 1 hour and 11 minutes! Although the movie can be a bit slow and melodramatic, it's still a great excursion into Middle Earth; some of the fight scenes are particularly good. My favorite part is without a doubt the arrival of Elladan and Elrohir, who are completely neglected in Peter Jackson's movies.

The Hunt for Gollum is a shorter movie (about 40 minutes) that tells the story of Aragorn's search for Gollum. Although the story is mentioned in the books, it is never fully described, and Madison takes many creative liberties with the story. Most notorious among these is the appearance of a Ringwraith and Aragon's solo stand against it. Plausible? No. Entertaining? Rather.

Neither of these movies are as engrossing as the books, but they are incredibly well made for independent films, and they provide welcome relief to Tolkien fans who want more. Both of the movies are available for free on YouTube, and the links are below.


Born of Hope
The Hunt for Gollum

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